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apl. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang H Sommer

Tel.: 0621 1703-6286, -6259

Fax: 0621 1703-6255


Laborgebäude, 4. OG, Raum 409

Publikationen in peer-reviewed Zeitschriften seit 2006

TOP 5 Publikationen:

  1. Hirth N, Meinhardt MW, Noori HR, Salgado H, Torres-Ramirez O, Uhrig S, Broccoli L, Vengeliene V, Roßmanith M, Perreau-Lenz SP, Köhr G, Sommer WH, Spanagel R, Hansson AC. Convergent evidence from alcohol-dependent humans and rats for a hyperdopaminergic state in protracted abstinence.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 113(11):3024-9. Epub Feb 22.
  2. Hermann D, Weber-Fahr W, Sartorius A, Hoerst M, Frischknecht U, Tunc-Skarka N, Perreau-Lenz SP, Hansson AC, Krumm B, Kiefer F, Spanagel R, Mann K, Ende G, Sommer WH. Translational Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Reveals Excessive Central Glutamate Levels During Alcohol Withdrawal in Humans and Rats.Biol Psychiatry. 2012 71(11):1015-21. Epub 2011 Sep 10.
  3. Sommer WH, Rimondini R, Hansson AC, Hipskind PA, Gehlert DR, Barr CS, Heilig MA. Upregulation of voluntary alcohol intake, behavioral sensitivity to stress, and amygdala crhr1 expression following a history of dependence.Biol Psychiatry. 2008 63(2):139-45.
  4. Meinhardt MW, Hansson AC, Perreau-Lenz SP, Bauder-Wenz C, Stählin O, Heilig M, Harper C, Drescher KU, Spanagel R, Sommer WH. Rescue of Infralimbic mGluR2 Deficit Restores Control Over Drug-Seeking Behavior in Alcohol Dependence.J Neurosci. 2013 33(7):2794-806.
  5. Pfarr S, Meinhardt MW, Klee ML, Hansson AC, Vengeliene V, Schönig K, Bartsch D, Hope BT, Spanagel R, Sommer WH. Losing Control: Excessive Alcohol Seeking after Selective Inactivation of Cue-Responsive Neurons in the Infralimbic Cortex.J Neurosci. 2015 35(30):10750-61.

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