Start |Forschung|Abteilungen / AGs / Institute|Neuropeptidforschung in der Psychiatrie|Live, Love, Oxytocin!|Our Team|Arthur Lefevre

Arthur Lefevre

About me:

After a PhD in Lyon (France) where I studied the interaction between oxytocin and serotonin in macaque monkeys, I joined Valery’s lab in September 2017. I am particularly fascinated by the diversity of oxytocin effects on behavior. To investigate how one neuropeptide exert so many functions, I use viral tools to study its effects on social behavior, fear and pain in the prefrontal cortex, paraventricular thalamus and periaqueductal gray matter.

In 2022 I joined the lab of Cory Miller (UCSD).

Arthur holds a PhD in Neuroscience, an M.Sc. in Neurobiology and a B.Sc. in „Informatics and cognitive sciences“. He currently works as a postdoc in our team.


OptogeneticsViral tracing
NeuroimagingCalcium imaging

Selected publications

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